Showing posts with label author Mima. Show all posts
Showing posts with label author Mima. Show all posts

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Why did I start writing? ๐Ÿคจ (Updated)

One of the most common questions people ask me is why I started writing. After all, I was in college studying business in 2008 when I suddenly dropped out to pursue my dream. It was the road less traveled, and to some, it probably seemed stupid to return to a dead-end job while I wrote my first book but to me, it was what I had to do.

There are a few reasons why writing quickly became my passion.

  1.  I wasn't finding the kind of books I wanted to read, so I wrote them. Not to suggest there's nothing out there that I enjoy reading, but it was more to the point that there was just something missing.
  2. I wanted people to see another point of view. Let's explore the other side of things. For example, in my first book Fire, I talk about a rock band's rise to fame and the unexpected and negative sides of being famous. In my vampire books, I question whether these mystical creatures of fantasy are actually everyday people who happen have some fascinating strengths. And in my Hernandez seriesI show that there are many blurred lines when it comes to the good and bad guys. 
  3. I wanted to make people think. Political corruption, collusion, racism, Big Pharma, celebrity, untrustworthy will see many topics and issues brought up in my books, even if it's merely a passing comment by a character. My goal is to make people think and look at things from a character's perspective. Nothing is ever black or white.
  4. To discover a magical world. Sometimes I'm shocked by what my characters do. I'm always fascinated by where the story will take me, and just like many of my readers, I can't wait to see what they will do next!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

How do I get ideas for my books? ๐Ÿ’ญ (Updated)

I cover a lot of topics in my books. It's never just one specific area that I focus on, but you can find a whole assortment of thoughts, ideas, struggles, and conversations that contribute to each novel. Sometimes within one chapter. ๐Ÿ˜„

People often ask me where I get these ideas. It's kind of a complicated question to answer. I find inspiration from different areas, including everyday life, what I see on the news, documentaries, books, and even comments people have made at some point in my life. There is a whole swirl of crazy activity in my brain, and I'm never quite sure how it will land on the page but somehow it always comes together.

I guess it's what stands out to me. If a topic or comment is grabbing my attention, I will work with it. If something is on my mind, it might land on the pages of a book. It's usually not based on my life, but more likely something I've noticed. 

Plots come to me all the time. Usually when I'm working out (especially when listening to music) is when I get my strongest ideas. I will often visualize a scene and rush to jot down notes. It may not make sense at the time, but it will when I sit down to write it.

Speaking of characters, they take the wheel when it comes to storylines. Each has its district personalities, experiences, and issues that float to the surface, which is something else you must always keep in mind. After all, where would we be without characters?

It can be a magical experience.

Does violence in books and television dehumanize us? ๐Ÿ”ช (Updated)

We often see people dehumanizing each other on television and in books. This, unfortunately, has become the 'norm' in our society. I'm pretty conscious of this kind of behavior, and for that reason, it also has become a part of my books, but should it be?

As a writer, I've always felt that what I put on paper (or on a laptop screen, I should say) tends to reflect what I'm viewing in the real world. The situations might be different, but the sense I'm getting from life,  always creeps into my books. Therefore, it makes sense that dehumanizing and violence have become the new 'norm' for my books. Sadly, the reality of violence in our society has become more prevalent....or has it?

Well, yes and no. The thing is that the world has always been a violent place, and depending on where you grew up, it might've been just outside your door. If you grew up in a safer place, you should consider yourself pretty lucky because many people in the world can't say the same.

I've had it pointed out to me that displaying such brutal violence in my books could potentially dehumanize people to the reader. When we stop being seen as humans but disposable, it could cause readers to devalue human life. This tends to be one of the explanations for things such as school and mass shootings. When you're used to viewing someone being shot on television, reading about it in a book, or even 'being' the shooter in a video game, some will walk away with a complete disconnect from reality.

I understand the concern, but I also believe other factors play into these situations. Few things in life are black and white, and as with many topics, I think there are a lot of grey areas to consider. Anyone who takes something meant to be for entertainment purposes and turns it into a reason or an excuse to brutalize others already has some issues.

Why Jorge Hernandez is a fan favorite? ๐Ÿคด๐Ÿฝ(Updated)

Jorge Hernandez has quickly become a fan favorite for many reasons. When asked, most readers comment on several things that stand out about this character despite his devious side, (although some people seem to like that too ๐Ÿคญ) he has some characteristics that make him quite appealing.

To begin with, Hernandez is a bold, powerful heavyweight in the criminal world. Remember that he's survived 20 years in the cartel, which is a massive accomplishment. If Mexican news and documentaries have taught us anything, it's that the cartel life is dangerous. However, all that aside, let's look at when this character joined the gang so you can have a brief introduction.

Fans of this series will recall that Jorge Hernandez came along in the latter part of Always be a Wolf. He popped in and out of the book but essentially took over the series as the protagonists in The Devil is Smooth Like Honey. He continues to lead the series. 

Fans enjoy this antihero, alpha dog character simply because he is strong, confident, and unapologetic. His loyalty lies with his close friends and family, which is something many people appreciate. He would do anything for the people he loves: literally, anything. He's very passionate about life and goes after what he wants with complete confidence that he will get it. It is probably because of this arrogant insistence that he is so successful.

Of course, he also has a surprisingly sensitive side when it comes to his family. His daughter will often tug at his heartstrings, as does his wife, which we don't expect from a gangster-type character. You know where you stand with Jorge Hernandez. He never hides how he feels. 

He is the king.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

How music has become my co-writer ๐ŸŽผ (Updated)

I often talk about how each of my books has a 'soundtrack' that inspired me during the writing process. These aren't songs that I select but more like the other way around. I often wonder why specific music grabs me during the writing process and won't let go until the book is finished. Not that I don't like or listen to these songs after that point, but they are no longer in the forefront of my mind.

It started with my first book, Fire. Of course, it made sense since that music was prevalent since the book was about the music industry. However, this pattern continued. One example is with We're All Animals. While writing this book, I couldn't get Pink Floyd's music out of my head. The funny part was that I hadn't been a big fan until that point. Suddenly, I was listening to their music non-stop. It was a powerful force while writing the first book in the Hernandez series

It's actually to the point where hearing certain songs will automatically make me think of the chapter in one of my books that it inspired. I guess it's no different than how most people connect certain music to periods of their lives, memorable moments, or an emotion. Except, of course, those are real things and not made-up people in a story. ๐Ÿ˜Š

The fascinating thing about the process is that the topic of a song is often different from the scene I see in my imagination. For example, a song could sound very seductive but inspire a murder scene in my book or....well, vice versa. ๐Ÿ™„ It happens. There's something about certain songs that has the power to pull a story from a dark place in my mind. I'm not sure what causes it, but it works for me. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Why is my writing becoming more political? ๐Ÿ˜ค (Updated)

My first book Fire was about a rock band struggling with the pressures of sudden fame. Although I touched on a few dicey topics back then, it was nothing compared to subjects I've dealt with in my last few books. As time moves on, my subject matter tends to get more controversial. 

My motivation for becoming more political in my writing isn't because it is trendy or because I feel it might capture some attention. Like most topics brought into my books (which include racism, government corruption, Big Pharma, and more) I feel passionate about their impact on society. It's the subjects that I have strong views on that creep into my writing.

As a writer, I've always felt that what I do is observe the world and then express what I see. I think now, more than ever, it's important to create art that makes people think. It's not that I want to change anyone's opinions. I hope that through my writing, I can provoke new ideas, and perhaps some people will look at things from another perspective.

My latest few books have become political and the protagonist, Jorge Hernandez, has fascinating opinions on politics. The ironic thing is that he's a criminal, and therefore, his views are vastly different from the status quo. I have to admit that they certainly give you food for thought. And with everything going on in the world today, maybe that's not such a bad thing.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Do you need a website? ๐Ÿ’ป (Updated)

If you're an author, I recommend you have a website. If you're a creative of any kind and want to get your work 'out there', I strongly suggest you have a website so people can find you.

The beauty of a website is that it is a place where people can learn all about you; your work, the latest news, how to connect to your social media, how to sign up for your newsletter, etc. It depends on what you wish to put on your site. The bottom line is that you need all your information put together in one place.

I'm not an expert on websites. My first site was free and created by a friend. Since that time, I've moved on to get a domain name and a site that I threw together myself. It's not elaborate, but it works. It's simple and contains information on my books, interviews, articles I've written, and a little about me. Again, nothing fancy, but it serves the purpose.

I think it's also important to note that websites should be simple. People go to sites to find out basic information, and if you're an author, that could be to find a list of your books, learn who you are, check out your interviews, and social media. If your site is cluttered, confusing, or lacks the information people want, it's counterproductive. You need your information easily accessible. 

If you aren't super techy and a little intimidated by creating your website, I'd recommend you ask around for someone locally who can help you. Large website hosts and designers aren't as personal, especially if you aren't familiar with tech lingo, or new to this world. They can intimidate you more and not necessarily be looking out for your best interest, whereas a smaller business may take the time to explain anything that confuses you and help you out. 

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Why do I make YouTube videos? ๐Ÿ“น (Updated)

If you are a writer and have a new book, should you do a YouTube video? What if you are a more seasoned author; should you dip your toes into the world of YouTube or run the other way?

Many people choose to run the other way because it is scary. Recording a video (and worse still, playing it back to watch yourself) isn't always an experience that people look forward to trying. I promise you that it's usually not that bad, and sometimes it can be a huge confidence booster.

I started to do YouTube videos a couple of years ago with much reluctance. To be honest, I was terrified. I wasn't exactly excited about watching myself talking on video. It reminded me of those days of public speaking in high school that made me want to hide under my desk. I did recognize that it was important to my overall goal. I gave it a shot. I now have over 200 videos on my channel.

The beauty of recording a video is that you don't have to post it. You can take the time to get comfortable with speaking to a camera. You must adequately explain your topic (notes help), and of course, you have to stop finding fault with your appearance. These are probably the three things that make most people hesitant. We live in such an overproduced world when it comes to 'reality' television and even YouTube videos that we often forget that we don't have to look, sound, or be perfect to record a video. If you sound, look and seem too perfect, it might make you slightly less relatable to your audience.

Of course, you should make some effort. Don't roll out of bed, not comb your hair, and ramble on for 20 minutes without making a point either. Show your best side. Fix your hair. Throw on some makeup if you're into it. Tidy up the space you'll be recording your video. Find some decent lighting (I don't always do this). Tell everyone in the house to not make any noise because the camera catches everything. 

So why did I start doing YouTube videos? I wanted my audience and potential audience to learn about me. I didn't want to be the anonymous face behind the books or the mysterious author that no one knows. I wanted people to learn about me, why I was writing about the topics I chose, explain my books to people who wanted to get more of a sense of what they were about, and answer some of my most asked questions from new authors or people interested in my writing.

Most important of all, I believe that YouTube videos are about connection. It was important for me to connect with people, especially those interested in my writing. I don't do videos because I want to be an internet star or gain followers. I have them available as another option for readers to learn about me, my books, and my thoughts as a writer. The beauty of YouTube is that you never know who is watching.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Why I Hate Being Stuck in a Genre ๐Ÿ˜ฉ (Updated)

I hate the word ‘genre’. It sounds so limiting. As if you define your book in one, single category rather than having it overlap in many areas. Then again, is that surprising since we also live in a world that wants us to define ourselves into small categories that are easily digestible, uncomplicated, and make other people comfortable?

I stopped trying to define my books. Except for The Rock Star of Vampires and its follow-up, Her Name is Mariah, I have always stuck with the genre of ‘fiction’ when checking in with my publisher and later when asked which category my books fit. For me, a great book should overlap into many genres. There should be some romance – but not too much. There should be some drama – but not to the point that it becomes unrealistic. There should be some suspense but not necessarily non-stop from chapter one. There should be some erotica but not in the Fifty Shades extreme. I think readers should get a glimpse of themselves in the story as well as a fantasy version of themselves.

When I write a book, I visualize it as if it were one of my favorite dramas on television. I like surprise twists and turns. I love strong emotions. I like diving into dark topics. I love contradictions. I like the light side of our personalities that makes us human. 

Genres tend to be suffocating. When asked for themes in my first book, I stupidly suggested ‘romance’ even though it was only a fraction of the book. My publisher immediately suggested that I change the ending and do things differently to connect with the ‘romance’ fan. I wasn’t about to make my book into a tacky, $2 trash romance book and immediately said no. Same thing with the vampire books; I was told they weren’t ‘vampiry’ enough, not what fans wanted in this kind of genre – but to me, that was the point. Who says that all vampire books have to be the same? Isn’t the point of creativity to be unique? Sometimes I think this is no longer the case.