Tuesday, December 25, 2018

How a simple story turned into a brutal series 🙀(Updated)

It started with a simple concept. The first book in the series is about Chase Jacobs, the wide-eyed boy next door who finds others taking control of his life, leaving him bitter, resentful, and bringing out a dark side that no one saw coming. With his introduction to the sinister underworld in his small town, there's a sense that once Chase has opened the door, he could never turn back. 

If you jump ahead to the 3rd or 4th book in the series, it might be surprising to see what a jump things had taken from We're All Animals. What starts as the story about teenage heartbreak turns into a series involving violence, corruption, and murder. I feel it's a smooth transition and one that allows you to understand how someone you'd never expect could get involved with a gang or cartel. Our lives and decisions can take us down many roads, but in the end, there's a reason why we choose them. 

I've often said that this is the series that wasn't meant to be a series. However, the characters were so compelling that I had to keep writing. Who knew where it would lead me. 😈

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