Showing posts with label fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fiction. Show all posts

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Do we live in a fictional world? 🌏

I recently heard a man suggest that we now live in a fictional world. He pointed out specific examples to demonstrate why life currently feels like a bizarre novel, whether it be due to political events, social trends, or general societal changes. And I have to say that I agree.

I published my 18th book in the fall of 2023, and unlike previous times, I didn't jump into a new project. I had no interest in writing at all. I thought the phase would end, but instead, I continued to dig my heels in more, resistant to embark on a new project. 

And here I am. 

After I heard this intriguing thought regarding the current state of our world, I began to realize that my apprehension may lie with my unexpected headspace. As it turns out, I'm not alone. Many people feel grounded in their artistic endeavors, as I have been realizing. We're in a strange stage in the world right now. It's unsettling more than it is inspiring.

Have you noticed it? 

Friday, March 8, 2024

Who rules the world?

Who rules the world? In the Hernandez series, it's Jorge Hernandez, bitch...

The former cartel king slowly eases his way into business, politics, and even the media.

When I started the series, I had no idea how close my fictional account was to the truth. I didn't realize at the time just how many things are run from behind the scenes. It would be naive to think that world leaders are making decisions without powerful people pulling the puppet strings. It would be equally naive to believe that the media isn't influenced, especially in light of the last few years. 

For many, writing fiction is about falling into a gentle fantasy world, but for me, it's instinctual, and sometimes....often, it turns out to be reality. 

Friday, January 5, 2024

"Sorry, I only read non-fiction" 🤦🏼‍♀️

Shortly after publishing my first book in 2010, I had a friend who agreed to write a review, provided I gave her a free copy. To this, I was happy to oblige. At the time, I was just excited that anyone was interested in reading my book!

She later got back to me, stating she would write a review. When I asked her what she thought, she said, "I liked what I read." 

Say what? 

As it turns out, she didn't normally read fiction. As a favor to me, she kindly read, like, half the book. 

If you're a fiction author, this is the part where you roll your eyes. I know. I did the same. I asked her why she didn't bother to read the whole book since I gifted it to her. I found it a little offensive. 

As it turned out, she was offended because she had gone out of her way to read half the book. After all, she was a non-fiction girl and didn't lower herself to the silly, fiction world. 

The funny part is that this book snob didn't understand that she enters a fictitious world whenever she turns on a movie or watches a television show. A story is a story. I'm sure it has more prestige if it's under the shiny lights of Hollywood, but it all started with a writer's creative side. It came from someone's imagination, with characters formed out of nothing. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

August 2023 Update! ⛱

What's new for August 2023? I thought it would be fun to remake a couple of old videos (with more to come!) with updated views and information. 

Here's the videos: 

What are my books about? 🤔

Check out the 2018 version - Rumble
Check out the updated 2023 version - Rumble and YouTube 

We need more diversity in books 🇨🇦🇲🇽🇨🇴🇵🇭 

Check out the 2018 version - Rumble
Check out the updated 2023 version - Rumble and YouTube

And more great news! I talked to my publisher earlier this month about my next book! Coming out this fall. Stick around because there will most likely be a book giveaway!

Have a great summer and see you in the fall! 

Keep updated on social media:

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Why write books when no one reads anymore?

People often ask me why I bother to write books when no one reads anymore. For most writers, this question is a bit disheartening. After you've put so much time, effort, research, and thought into your book, you'd like to believe that someone appreciates your writing and finds it entertaining. But is that the case? Does anyone read anymore?

I grew up in a time when the internet wasn't a thing. I lived in a rural area, so cable television wasn't accessible. Along with that fact, my mother was a reader, and so was my best friend. We would excitedly run to the bookmobile as children, excited about all the possibilities. It's a world that kids would hate today, in a time when everyone has a device and watch programs on demand. Perhaps my childhood laid the foundation. Is it likely that if you don't become a reader while you're still young, you probably never will?

The beauty of a book (as opposed to watching a movie or show) is that you can fill in the blanks with your imagination. As a reader, you can take part. The handsome stranger can look however you want. The beautiful house can look how you want. You can crawl into the mind and heart of the protagonist in a way that you simply can't when watching them on a screen. There's a connection that you can't capture in the same way. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Jorge Hernandez vs. Big Pharma 💊

One of the most prevalent themes in my Hernandez series is the ongoing battle between protagonist Jorge Hernandez and his nemesis, Big Pharma. It's a fight unlikely to end anytime soon but will only grow as tension grows with each book. 

The premise behind the Hernandez series is that Jorge was once a cartel leader in Mexico. Through a miracle, he never ended up in either prison or dead, but instead relocated to Canada to start a legit business. Once here, Jorge often is ranting how as a cartel boss, he was always running from the law, but Big Pharma is also responsible for people becoming addicts but can do so legally and have no repercussions. Also, he takes over the Canadian pot industry (House of Pot) only adds to the ongoing battle between the pharmaceutical industry and Jorge Hernandez. 

Jorge is a respectable businessman to the public, but behind the scenes, he's part of an ongoing war with Big Pharma, and things often get bloody. 

Learn more about the Hernandez series HERE.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Why I do YouTube and Rumble videos 📽📺🍿

Someone once asked me if the goal for my YouTube channel was to become a YouTube star. This question made me laugh since my subscribers and views are borderline pathetic. Even with 200 short videos, my channel never caught on fire, but I don't worry about this since it was never my goal in the first place. 

So, what was my goal when I recorded that first video (since deleted) a few years ago? It was simply to get through the recording without passing out. After all, when you don't breathe for a few minutes while in a state of panic, sometimes it doesn't end well. I was terrified. Now, I could pull it off with little issue, but with experience, my confidence has grown, which was a bonus. 

Now, my goal with both my YouTube and Rumble videos is to tell people about my books, answer frequently asked questions (about my Hernandez series and writing in general), and address topics that I know concern new writers. Of course, I would love to get as many eyes on my videos as possible because this is another avenue that could create attention for my books. However, a successful channel isn't my main goal. 

How can you help? Check out some of my videos on either channel, share them on social media or with friends you think may be interested, and subscribe! Thank you in advance!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Is Jorge a vigilante superhero?

Jorge Hernandez of my Hernandez series has transformed over the years; from villain to vigilante, but is he a vigilante superhero?

It might seem like a stretch to consider this former cartel member, a man who's killed and murdered numerous people in his lifetime, a superhero. However, in recent books, one could argue that most of his vigilante acts revolve around going up against an injustice of sorts. His most common enemy tends to be Big Pharma, which is hardly a group that conjures up much compassion. For example, in Loyalty Above All (there are no exceptions), Jorge goes after the pharmaceutical industry after he learns they released a drug despite knowing it would cause cancer. So while many may question if revenge is the most moralistic method, there is also a level of understanding of why this character reacts as he does. Especially when considering someone close to him has died because of this medication. 

In many ways, Jorge Hernandez faces the anger and frustration many feel but avenges the powerlessness in a way they can't. This is why the antihero has grown in popularity over the last few years. We've seen this trend in television and, to a degree, in movies. But what about books?

I suspect most writers are careful about how they take on this topic because there's a fine line that most writers do not want to cross.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Let's talk about courage 🦁

The theme for my 18th book (the 13th in the Hernandez series) will be courage. I thought this was important since I fear that courage is a trait that's currently lacking in our world. Some will speak up and feel the need to have a voice, while others cower away and feel more comfortable going with the flow. It's been suggested that it's a generational situation, but I don't know. Without a backbone, do you have anything?

Anyone familiar with my Hernandez series is aware that the protagonist is fearless. In a way, he represents the courage many people wish they had, the freedom to speak up whenever they want, with no consequences. Of course, in the real world, that isn't always possible. We live in a time where some people hold puppet strings that can easily get tied up in a knot. 

In the world of Jorge Hernandez, there will be no one and nothing that gets in his way. No one intimidates him. Nothing scares him (and if it does, he will never let you know). Although some might rightfully suggest that his courage may sometimes go a little too far, these extremes in my series are to make a point. For example if Jorge is going up against someone in Big Pharma and takes extreme measures to make a point, it's representative of a society that perhaps has justifiable anger about the same oligarchs. Jorge takes on a lot of people, many of which represent ideas and behavior that those with courage might be already questioning. Not that new ideas aren't good, but we increasingly live in a society where there's a 'right' and 'wrong' view to have with no discussion allowed. Jorge Hernandez knows what he believes. No one tells him how to think. He listens but isn't swayed because of his strong personal beliefs. The popular vote isn't necessarily his vote. 

Although his tactics are questionable, no one can argue that Jorge Hernandez has courage. In a tight situation, you want this guy in your corner. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

A different kind of crime series

Summing up my Hernandez series has never been easy. It's about criminals, but it's not the kind of criminals that will steal your car. It's about gangsters, but not the kind of gangsters that will take over an area and demand fees from local businesses. It's about a former cartel boss but not the cartel boss currently involved in illegal activities like transporting drugs. The crimes involved in my series are more vigilante justice than anything else. 

The thing is that Jorge Hernandez started in criminal activity and moved on the legal businesses in Canada. How he goes about doing so, however, often isn't so legal. His method of dealing with those who get in his way or cause issues for his family is very much in step with what he would've done in his cartel days. Things can get very bloody. 

Jorge Hernandez is all about control. He controls people and situations and intimidates those who try to go up against him. Hernandez knows this is the key to owning an empire. All the money in the world won't make people do what he wants, but fear is a powerful influence. 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

A quick preview of House of Hernandez 🎃

House of Hernandez is the 12th book in the Hernandez series. Here's a quick summary of what it's about:

When House of Hernandez hits the shelves, readers are unaware that Jorge Hernandez’s memoir is little more than a fictional fairy tale. Then again, when you are a former cartel boss with a murderous streak and a criminal history, it’s best to keep some secrets close to your heart. 

The brash businessman has bigger things to worry about as he swims in the political waters. He has his work cut out for him when trying to get the bleeding heart Alec Athas reelected, but some days his biggest challenge is keeping the Canadian prime minister alive. While evil forces attempt to push Jorge’s political puppet out of office, they have no idea who they’re going up against in this battle. How can you fight against a man with no scruples?

With all the politics and usual drama aside, Jorge struggles as his crime family starts falling apart. Are the walls caving in the House of Hernandez, or had things already been slipping away without him being aware?

Read chapter one now! 

Friday, September 30, 2022

October 2022 Newsletter 🎃

One of my biggest struggles as an independent author is not only creating an audience but finding a way to let people know that I'm out there at all. Over the years, I've tried new ways to do so, whether it be to branch out to different social media platforms, create bookmarks, contact the media, and libraries, and even create this newsletter you're now reading. Unfortunately, it often feels like an uphill struggle. If you would like to help, share a post, follow me online, like, share, subscribe, or even ask your local library to order some of my books! Everything is a help. Here are some of my social media links where you can find me:

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Hernandez series YouTube playlist -

Sign up for my newsletter:

So, what's new for October? 

My new book, House of Hernandez was featured in The Buzz

Speaking of House of Hernandez, have you checked out the first chapter yet? 🎃.  

Finally, check out the latest blogs and videos! Would you believe I still have a few more waiting to be posted? Due to a power outage after Hurricane Fiona, I've fallen a bit behind, but I hope to post more in October!

House of Hernandez 🎃

Thank you to all my supporters! I appreciate everyone who checks out this newsletter. Have a wonderful October! 👻

Saturday, September 17, 2022

House of Hernandez 🎃

House of Hernandez is the 12th book in the Hernandez series; but don't worry, you don't have to read the entire series to enjoy the book! Learn about it here:

When House of Hernandez hits the shelves, readers are unaware that Jorge Hernandez’s memoir is little more than a fictional fairy tale. Then again, when you are a former cartel boss with a murderous streak and a criminal history, it’s best to keep some secrets close to your heart. 

The brash businessman has bigger things to worry about as he swims in the political waters. He has his work cut out for him when trying to get the bleeding heart Alec Athas reelected, but some days his biggest challenge is keeping the Canadian prime minister alive. While evil forces attempt to push Jorge’s political puppet out of office, they have no idea who they’re going up against in this battle. How can you fight against a man with no scruples?

With all the politics and usual drama aside, Jorge struggles as his crime family starts falling apart. Are the walls caving in the House of Hernandez, or had things already been slipping away without him being aware?

Sunday, September 4, 2022

How do you introduce new characters? 🤝

New characters keep a series fresh, even if their appearance is short-lived. And in the case of the Hernandez series, short-lived could be literal. 

When a new character comes along in my series, I usually assume it's for a short time to play a role in the plot. Occasionally these characters catch on and stick around, but that's if they're somehow connecting with someone else in the series. For example, I introduced a character named Sonny McTea a few books back with no intention of keeping him around. However, I later discovered that he filled a necessary role to balance out a couple of other characters, so I kept him on. 

The actual introduction of the new character should be smooth. Remember that the story is through the protagonist's eyes, so you're meeting that person along with your main character. What is his/her impression? This depends on what matters to that person. If it's Jorge in my Hernandez series, he's sizing up the new character; are they strong? Powerless? Trustworthy? Do they seem nervous? A different protagonist may notice other things, depending on what they value. 

The important thing is that new characters show up when needed. They have a role. When that role is fulfilled, there's no need to keep them any longer. Too many characters confuse readers and writers. Think of it like an episode of your favorite show. Some characters are only on for an episode, while others stick around for the entire season or series. But if they do stick around, there has to be a reason. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Start in one place and end up in another 😯

Just as with life, sometimes things in fiction can take an unexpected turn. If you follow your intuition and, more importantly, follow your characters, you might find yourself somewhere you didn't expect.

The most important thing for me when I'm writing, is to follow my instincts. I never stray from this rule, but if I do, I hit a wall. Characters need room to grow and room to move. Sometimes, the place they go may not be what you expected when you start to write a chapter, but this can also take you to some very interesting places. And the way I look at it, if you're surprised where things go, chances are good the reader will be too. 

What does this mean exactly? And more so, how do you 'follow your instincts' when writing?

To begin with, I've always said that when you sit down to write a chapter, it's important that you have a quiet (unless you listen to music) environment. This helps you keep focused and in tune with your inner voice. Writing shouldn't be something you overthink. It should flow and be natural. You shouldn't think about what you have to do later, what's going on outside your window, or what's on Facebook. You need to focus. 

I never really outline chapters. I have very general notes and an idea of where things will end up. If I'm lucky, I might know where my starting point is, but from there, things can go anywhere. For example in my Hernandez series, I might have the protagonist Jorge head out the door in a rage, prepared to kill someone. However, what will he find when he gets there? What will interrupt him along the way? 

Will his plans change? 

Will he kill more than one person? 

Will he be in danger? 

Remember, as the author, you're with your character every step of the way. You're jumping in that vehicle and flying down the road. You're walking in that dark room and looking around. You're the one that discovers he forgot his gun at home. 

I'm joking. He never forgets his gun at home. 

Writing should be an adventure, not an overplanned itinerary. See where it takes you, and don't worry if it takes you somewhere you hadn't planned. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Why Jorge Hernandez goes to extremes to protect his family 🏠

If you're already familiar with my Hernandez series, then you're probably also aware that Jorge Hernandez is very protective of his family. The former cartel boss believes in loyalty above all and is willing to do anything - literally anything - when it comes to those he loves the most. 

This comes from Jorge's cartel background, where loyalty was necessary to remain alive. If someone in your army of people wasn't watching your back, you could end up dead. If we want to go even further back, we learn that the family Jorge grew up in quickly turned their back on him when the stakes were high. As you can imagine, this played a role in why such a stringent rule exists for the people in Jorge's life. 

I think readers appreciate the significance of loyalty to Jorge Hernandez. After all, most of us may feel uncertain if the people in our lives are as loyal to us, as Hernandez is to his family. However, there is a price to pay if they're not. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Relationship ups and downs between characters 😍🤬

Just like in real life, characters also have relationship ups and downs. All it takes is an issue or argument to throw everything off course. But why is this important in fiction? Why can't everyone always be happy and get along?

One of the most important aspects of a book has to be the connection with the characters. How do we connect with characters the most? It tends to be because we relate to a situation they are dealing with. And what better relatable situation than having relationship ups and downs with people in their lives? Hey, we can all relate to that, can't we?

Relationships tend to go in cycles. Even the people we get along with the most will irk us sometimes. It's human nature. I often notice that when writing, I'm running into this situation. You have to consider the values that characters have and how someone else's comment or decision affects them. Again, like real life. If your cousin is sensitive about her weight and you comment on how she looks thinner, how will she react? What if you tell her she looks like she gained a few pounds? How do these two comments affect your relationship? Remember that characters are the same.

Of course, even if relationships go off course, they also can come back. Depending on the state of the relationship, this can sometimes happen more quickly than others. Then again, there are some relationships that will always be a bit prickly. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Why we need to connect with characters 🥰

Most of the time, we don't even think about it. However, caring about characters is one of the main reasons you may feel connected to certain books, movies, or television shows. In truth, if you don't care about the characters, you probably don't care what happens to them either. The same rules apply if you're writing. The only difference is that as a writer, you already formed a bond with your characters. Your job is to make others see what you see. It's not always an easy task, but it's necessary to keep readers intrigued.

One of the best ways to create this connection is to show the character's vulnerable sides. Readers need to see their weaknesses, opinions, and anything that irritates them or brings them joy. Maybe you don't like to admit it, but you may share a character's secret insecurities or habits. Something as minor as that can sometimes be enough to connect and care about a character. 

Currently, I'm watching a television series that I find enjoyable, but at the same time, I could stop watching it today. It's not that the acting is bad. It's not that the storylines aren't intriguing. It's not that I'm never surprised. It's because I find all the characters a bit insufferable and don't care about them. The only part of me that's still interested is the part that's intrigued to see where the character development goes in the future. Will the characters start to break down? I'm in season two, and this is what I'm discovering, but there's still a ways to go.

And speaking of television series, I think that's why sometimes people hate the book-to-screen transition. Sometimes we connect very strongly to a character on the pages of a book, whereas the wrong actor or script can completely blow the entire thing out of the water. If my Hernandez series were to turn into a television series, I've always said that the wrong actor to play Jorge Hernandez would sink the entire ship. It's a delicate balance between books and what you see on a screen. 

Characters have many sides. Let readers see them all.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

April 2022 newsletter 🐣

Here we are again! Another month has slid by, and it's time for my latest monthly newsletter.

There isn't a lot to report for this month. I've been busy with a couple of projects. The first one is to update and edit my blog account. This has been an ongoing and tedious project, but it's getting close to the end. I've also been adding my video catalog to Rumble. Again, it takes time, but I'm slowly updating these two things. 

...and of course, I'm writing another book. I'm about 11 chapters into it. 

I only have one new video/blog this month:

The protagonist's point of view 👀

And last, but not least, here is this month's book birthday! 🎂

Always be a Wolf - published April 25, 2017

Friday, February 25, 2022

March 2022 newsletter ☔️

There's light at the end of the tunnel! For more reasons than one, but weather-wise, we're getting closer to spring! What else is new? Check this out 👇🏼

In February my new book listed in the latest issue of Buzz PEI 

What else?

I posted a couple more videos and corresponding blogs. Check this out 👇🏼

Why Loyalty Above All isn't just a title 🐺

A quick read from Loyalty Above All (there are no exceptions) 📖

And of course, let's check out the book birthdays 🎂

The Devil May Lie was released on March 28, 2019
Her Name is Mariah was released on March 27, 2015