Showing posts with label vampire books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vampire books. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

My vampire books - The Rock Star of Vampires and Her Name is Mariah

Before I started my Hernandez series, I dabbled in the world of vampires. The result of which, was two books that coincide with each other. Learn about them here and jump on Amazon to read a FREE sample. 

The Rock Star of Vampires 

Did Hollywood get it wrong?

A year after transforming into a mortal vampire, Ava Lilith continues to have a lackluster life. The new dietary requirements and the intensifying of her senses aside she continues to face unhappiness rather than the glamorous and provocative lifestyle that television and movies would suggest.

She then learns of an underground society of immortal vampires, led by the mysterious rock star of vampires. Cloaked in shadow, this Immortal sect controls the major powers of the world - from business and finance to science and politics - all manipulated for personal gain and to keep their existence concealed.

Ava finds herself drawn to this secret world where she can live forever and pursue all her dreams. But what will she lose, to gain immortality?

Her Name is Mariah

Mariah Nichols was adaptable. She lived through her parent's bitter divorce, a childhood of neglect, and the discovery that her only sibling was transgender so, the concept of turning into a mortal vampire was just one more adjustment in an already chaotic life.

But when tragedy rips through Mariah's heart, she realizes what it takes to survive in the world. She must become like an animal and run on instincts, not emotions.

or so she thought.

Her name is Mariah, and this is her story.

Check out this video about both vampire books 📚