Monday, September 24, 2018

My first book - Fire πŸ”₯πŸ˜‰(Updated)

Fire was my first book, published in 2010. The story follows protagonist Tarah Kiersey as she sets her sights on the music world, joining a band that gets signed. She learns the many ups and downs of working in the industry, how her life vastly changes (not always for the better), and how conflicts within the band can make everything stressful. Did I mention she has an affair with two of her bandmates?

First, there was a match.
In 1992, Tarah Kiersey wasn't feeling very optimistic about her life. From dead-end jobs to dead-end relationships, she failed to see how anything could ever improve. But at least, she had her music.
Then, there was a spark.
There was something about holding a microphone that made Tarah feel alive. And there was something about how she sang that made people listen. One of those people included William Stacy, a young musician who invited Tarah to join his band, Fire. She said yes, and her entire life changed overnight.
And now there s FIRE!

The book was quite popular and later followed up by A Spark before the Fire featuring a secondary character, Jimmy Groome. The books overlap, each having its unique perspective. 

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