Wednesday, September 12, 2018

How do you get your ideas for books? 💭 (Updated)

One of the most common questions people ask me is how I get my ideas for books. It's not an easy one to answer but here goes!

Generally, I write about topics that interest me. I don't think about what is popular or what I think people might like to read; I write about things that I'm passionate about and that intrigues me. For example, my first couple of books were about rock stars because I love music. My second two were about vampires because I found the topic fascinating, and finally, I started to write about gangsters and criminals. This subject intrigued me because I felt drawn to the antihero concept. With all the corruption, collusion, and everything else we see in the news, it's becoming more and more evident that it's not always clear who the 'good' and 'bad' guys are anymore, and something is interesting about this concept. 

For my ideas from chapter to chapter, I follow my instincts. I have a lot of snippets of conversations and scenes that show up in my mind, and I immediately jot them down. Eventually, they find a place in one of my books. Often I have no idea how or why it fits in, until it happens.

I generally follow the storyline and the characters to see where they take me. Characters have unique personalities, and like people in everyday life, you can often predict how they will react in specific situations. That in itself usually moves a story in the direction it's meant to go.

My ideas come to me all the time. The key is to be open to everything without questioning it. In the end, it usually finds a place in a book.

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