Saturday, September 22, 2018

Thinking about doing a video blog and actually doing it! 🎬 (Updated)

I wasn't exactly comfortable recording my first video blogs. I barely breathed while recording the first several videos, but I also recognized that this was a challenge I had to take on. I needed to get more comfortable talking about my writing. 

Over 200 videos later, I'm probably a little too comfortable on camera, but I certainly don't have it perfected. With each video, I see what I can improve. I make a lot of mistakes, but I'm having fun. 

The beauty of recording a video is that people can see who you are, and if you do so without editing or overproducing, it's much more authentic. The idea of perfecting my makeup, figuring out perfect lighting, and other details might improve the overall look of the videos, but for me is a waste of time. The short videos that I make are to talk about my books and answer common questions that I get asked. I'm not trying to become a television or Internet star.

I know people who've talked about making videos but never get beyond the talking stage. Most of the time, it might be due to a lack of confidence or maybe no sincere interest in doing the work. Doing these videos is relatively easy, but you have to be ready to jump in front of the webcam and not overthink every detail. You have to consider your content and not which shirt to wear. If anyone is watching your videos and are more concerned with your appearance, chances are they aren't interested in the topic you're discussing anyway. (unless you're talking about fashion, makeup, or hair)

The best tip I can give anyone interested in recording a video is to do it. It doesn't matter if it's perfect or if you even share it with the world, but you should try.

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