Showing posts with label drama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drama. Show all posts

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Why Jorge Hernandez isn't in the first book of his own series? ☠️

I always talk about how the Hernandez series wasn't meant to be a series, so it should be no surprise that the protagonist, Jorge Hernandez, didn't show up until the second book.

The fiery, former cartel boss takes over in the series (in the same way he takes over in most situations), and as it turns out, he has a lot to tell. Seventeen books later, he's still going strong. 

The cool thing is that the series starts with We're All Animals, a book that centers on protagonist Chase Jacobs. We're talking about a guy who's the complete opposite of Jorge Hernandez (at least, in the beginning!) so it gives the reader some contrast. It also demonstrates how a boy next door can get caught up with some sinister characters on his path. 

Jorge Hernandez may not be in the first book in his series, but he eventually comes along fast and furious. And, of course, like most things, he takes over.