Often referred to as the 'bad guys' on television, movies, and books, but the truth is that something is appealing about villains that intrigues both viewers and readers. As a writer, I have a few ideas on why this might be.
1. There are no limits. Villains don't color inside the lines. They don't care about anyone's feelings and often have no conscience at all. They're impulsive, limitless and, free. They have no fear of going anywhere or doing anything. They don't play by anyone else's rules. And really, isn't that why we like them?
2. They show us the dark side of humanity. We like to think that there are good guys and bad guys in life and television, but the truth is that anyone is capable of traveling to the dark side. Think about the last time you watched the news after someone committed a violent crime. When a reporter approaches their friends, family, or coworkers, what do they usually say? "He was such a nice guy. I can't believe he would do something like this."
Exactly. We all have a dark side lurking in a dark corner. Only we can decide if it will come out.
3. They are powerful. Sinister characters are often powerful too. This power is the result of their natural, aggressive nature and, sometimes, cut-throat ways. Think of the head of a crime family or a politician with no scruples. Even if it's a small-time criminal, chances are that person has power over someone or something, and in fact, that's how we first discover that they're a villain in the first place.
Some people might like to believe that the good guy always wins, but in today's world, that's often more of a fairy tale than a reality.