Monday, January 24, 2022

Why my books are so political 🤥

Love it or hate it, politics affect many aspects of your life. Unfortunately, people often don't pay attention until they are personally affected by a law or mandate. If you are Jorge from my Hernandez series, you make sure things never get to that point because you go right to the top and take control.  

Jorge had barely arrived in the series when it became clear that he would be very involved in politics. Early on, he talked about how the only difference between the corruption in Mexican politics (his home country) and Canada is that Canadians hid it better. Jorge ripped the blinders off and revealed a much darker side of politics, never hiding the fact that he planned to control politicians to benefit his priorities.   

When Alec Athas entered the series, talking about potentially entering politics to make positive changes from the inside, Jorge knew he had found the perfect person to control. With Jorge's manipulation, Athas was successful on a local level. When an opportunity to fill the elite position of prime minister came up, Jorge continued to push Athas forward, with the not-so-subtle warning that he owned him. As he so bluntly put it in one book, 'You gotta dance with the one who brought you'. The two men have been dancing ever since, and there's no question which one of them is leading. 

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