Showing posts with label writing questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing questions. Show all posts

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Some of your questions answered ๐Ÿ‘(Updated)

I'm asked questions regarding my writing and thought I would answer a few of the most common ones. ๐Ÿคฉ

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I remember writing as a child, and in fact, I wrote my first full-length manuscript when I was a teenager. Due to a lack of confidence and guidance, I didn't pursue my dream of writing until around 2007-2008. I published my first book in 2010.

When did you write your first book?

My first book was Fire, published in 2010. 

What inspired you to start writing?

My goals have been to make people think, be empathetic, and see various perspectives. I enjoy provoking people because they are more likely to get involved in the story if they feel an emotional connection. 

How long does it take you to write a book?

I write a chapter a day and 50 chapters in my books, so in essence, 50 days to complete the first draft. Editing and figuring out details such as a synopsis and cover image also take some time, but it can vary. For the last few years, I've published two books a year. 

What is your genre, and who is your audience?

I hate being stuck in a genre because I think my writing falls into many categories: suspense, thriller, murder, crime, romance, and more. I even have a couple of books that fall into the fantasy category. My audience varies. 

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

I gain information from reading or watching documentaries and interviews about topics that interest me. Many of these topics end up becoming a part of my books. For example, I often read about cartels, violence, and the psychology of a criminal, which ends up making it in my books. 

How long does it take to research for your books?

I don't pay attention but research when needed. 

Do you write using a pen or computer?

Computer. However, I write notes about characters and each chapter in a journal to keep organized and for reference.

What part of writing is most difficult?

Editing is the most difficult because it's very tedious and requires extreme focus. Writing the back cover synopsis is also a challenge. How do you sum up an entire book in a few words without giving too much away? 

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

Sixteen so far and it's too difficult to choose! 

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? ( if you have any?)

I only write chapters early (like 6 AM) in the morning, and I do so with no interruptions unless necessary. I don't get up to eat, take out the garbage, or do anything else when I'm writing. I try to stay focused and not divert my attention because it's a struggle to get back on track if I do.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

It tends to be the other way around. I usually write around my work schedule. On mornings that I'm not working, I get up and write. On the mornings I'm working, depending on how much time I have, I might do some light editing, work on social media, upload or record a video for YouTube, or any other task that requires my attention. 

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

I recently read a quote that said that writers aren't playing God when writing a book but are merely secretaries. This is very accurate. You cannot force a character to do what they don't want to do unless you enjoy getting writer's block. 

What is your favorite type of books to read?

I mostly read non-fiction on topics that interest me, but I've been known to sink into a good fiction book from time to time. 

Were there any authors of books that had a particular influence on you or your writing?

George Orwell. He was a genius. Orwell could observe and analyze human nature and create works of fiction that reflected how he viewed the world, in a way that served as much as a warning as an entertaining tale.

How do the books get published?

This could be a rather long answer, but essentially, you can self-publish, seek out a smaller publisher who is interested in your specific genre or seek out an agent. Large houses generally only deal with agented writers. Always do your research when doing any of the above. There are a lot of scumbags out there. I recommend Writer's Beware

Do you design your book covers?

My publisher designs the cover, but I pick out the image I would like them to work with and perhaps make suggestions such as darkening the image, colors I prefer, etc. 

How do you market your books? 

I mainly use social media, but I also use my website, send press releases when new books come out and give out bookmarks with all my covers. I'm always trying to think of new, creative ways, but social media is my first stop.

Where can we get your books, other than here?

Everywhere online!! Check out my site for more details. 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Why did I start writing? ๐Ÿคจ (Updated)

One of the most common questions people ask me is why I started writing. After all, I was in college studying business in 2008 when I suddenly dropped out to pursue my dream. It was the road less traveled, and to some, it probably seemed stupid to return to a dead-end job while I wrote my first book but to me, it was what I had to do.

There are a few reasons why writing quickly became my passion.

  1.  I wasn't finding the kind of books I wanted to read, so I wrote them. Not to suggest there's nothing out there that I enjoy reading, but it was more to the point that there was just something missing.
  2. I wanted people to see another point of view. Let's explore the other side of things. For example, in my first book Fire, I talk about a rock band's rise to fame and the unexpected and negative sides of being famous. In my vampire books, I question whether these mystical creatures of fantasy are actually everyday people who happen have some fascinating strengths. And in my Hernandez seriesI show that there are many blurred lines when it comes to the good and bad guys. 
  3. I wanted to make people think. Political corruption, collusion, racism, Big Pharma, celebrity, untrustworthy will see many topics and issues brought up in my books, even if it's merely a passing comment by a character. My goal is to make people think and look at things from a character's perspective. Nothing is ever black or white.
  4. To discover a magical world. Sometimes I'm shocked by what my characters do. I'm always fascinated by where the story will take me, and just like many of my readers, I can't wait to see what they will do next!