Showing posts with label cartel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cartel. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2025

Are my characters evil? 🙈

The wonderful part about writing fiction is that you enter this crazy world where your characters can do anything. The issue is that the best characters take off running and all you can do is follow along. For that reason, I never tended to give much thought to whether or not my characters act morally or responsibly, simply because I'm not them. It's not my job to harness them in but rather, tell their story. 

Lately, it has occurred to me whether or not my characters are evil. I suspect some people avoid my books because they assume they are and simply want nothing to do with them. And, you know, fair enough. You'll never find the Hernandez series in the Christian section of your bookstore. Is it my duty to represent morals and values in my books? And does anyone else? 

To answer that question, you have to go back to why I started writing in the first place. Back in the early days, when I was a teenager attempting to pull a novel together, I never did so with the idea of inspiring anyone. In fact, my whole goal (even back then) was to make people think. I wanted to hold a mirror up to the world and tell you what I saw. I've been doing that ever since. 

What I'm trying to say is, that my characters are complex. My strongest character is Jorge Hernandez and although he certainly could be called evil, you also see his compassionate side in many situations. In some cases, he can even act as an anti-hero, retaliating on those who are evil themselves. Overall though, I feel my books and characters are a reflection of the world. And unfortunately, if you look under the hood, that's not a pleasant sight these days. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Gangsters, villains, and vigilantes....and my Hernandez series 🔪

If you know anything about my Hernandez series, you probably don't have to be told that it's full of criminals, villains, gangsters, and vigilantes. And if you need to get more familiar with my series, those words could send a strong message about what you're in for if you pick up one of my books.  

As I point out in the video below, people love these characters. Some of the most popular televisions have featured or centered on characters that played more the role of an anti-hero than the more traditional hero. We have to ask ourselves why they're so appealing and why at this time in history? Learn more below.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Jorge Hernandez vs. Big Pharma 💊

One of the most prevalent themes in my Hernandez series is the ongoing battle between protagonist Jorge Hernandez and his nemesis, Big Pharma. It's a fight unlikely to end anytime soon but will only grow as tension grows with each book. 

The premise behind the Hernandez series is that Jorge was once a cartel leader in Mexico. Through a miracle, he never ended up in either prison or dead, but instead relocated to Canada to start a legit business. Once here, Jorge often is ranting how as a cartel boss, he was always running from the law, but Big Pharma is also responsible for people becoming addicts but can do so legally and have no repercussions. Also, he takes over the Canadian pot industry (House of Pot) only adds to the ongoing battle between the pharmaceutical industry and Jorge Hernandez. 

Jorge is a respectable businessman to the public, but behind the scenes, he's part of an ongoing war with Big Pharma, and things often get bloody. 

Learn more about the Hernandez series HERE.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

House of Hernandez 🎃

House of Hernandez is the 12th book in the Hernandez series; but don't worry, you don't have to read the entire series to enjoy the book! Learn about it here:

When House of Hernandez hits the shelves, readers are unaware that Jorge Hernandez’s memoir is little more than a fictional fairy tale. Then again, when you are a former cartel boss with a murderous streak and a criminal history, it’s best to keep some secrets close to your heart. 

The brash businessman has bigger things to worry about as he swims in the political waters. He has his work cut out for him when trying to get the bleeding heart Alec Athas reelected, but some days his biggest challenge is keeping the Canadian prime minister alive. While evil forces attempt to push Jorge’s political puppet out of office, they have no idea who they’re going up against in this battle. How can you fight against a man with no scruples?

With all the politics and usual drama aside, Jorge struggles as his crime family starts falling apart. Are the walls caving in the House of Hernandez, or had things already been slipping away without him being aware?

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Why my readers love Jorge Hernandez ♥️

You might be wondering why people are drawn to the protagonist of the Hernandez series. After all, I've described him as a brutal criminal, so what's the appeal? 

This isn't all that surprising. Even when you watch some of your favorite television shows and movies, you'll notice that the characters that have the sharpest tongues, violent tendencies, and dark sides are sometimes the most fascinating to watch. There's an appeal, and it's because they have the traits that are considered antisocial and go against the grain, sometimes displaying actions and saying words that we may fantasize about but know we can't carry through on them. If we did, we might destroy many relationships, get fired, and maybe end up in prison! 

When I think of Jorge Hernandez, the first word that comes to mind is powerful. The second word is confident. These two traits rarely wane while writing about him. This is what draws other characters to him in the series. This is also what draws readers to this series. In a world where we increasingly feel like it's hard to find our footing on the ground, there's something incredible about reading about or watching a character who is scared of nothing. 

Jorge Hernandez is also solid and loyal, often to the degree where he becomes barbaric to protect his family. As much as people may be disturbed by violence, I think most of us appreciate the undying loyalty this character displays this trait, especially in a world where it has become increasingly rare. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Why do we love the anti-hero? 🔪 (Updated)

Oh, those bad boys and girls! Don't we love them?

There's just something about the rebellion and going against the grain character that we love. Perhaps it is the fact that these characters sometimes do what we wish we could in real life? Is it because we get a small thrill about 'sticking it to the man'? Is there something attractive or sexy about the character that thumbs their nose at the world? What is the draw to this kind of character?

As children, most of us learned that there were 'good' and 'bad' guys in life. The 'good guys' could be trusted. The 'bad guys' should be avoided. It was overly simplified. Bad guys always had mustaches and looked shady, while good guys wore a suit or a 'respectable' uniform (and I don't mean the one from when you flipped burgers in college).

If life teaches us anything, it's that the lines in the sand aren't always so clear. Maybe the religious figure from your youth turned out to be a pedophile, or you witnessed a cop beat the crap out of an innocent citizen. Whatever it was, you may now have a slight aversion to what you once viewed as the 'good guy' and find yourself slightly intrigued by the 'bad guy', therefore making you drawn to characters who don't exactly play by the rules.

Of course, I could be overanalyzing. Maybe we just like watching bombs blowing up everywhere and some devilish character pushing the button. What do you think? Why do you love the antihero (assuming you do)? Maybe the answer might surprise you.