Sunday, October 13, 2024

Why I'm not writing (right now) 😬

People often ask me if I'm writing anything now. Having been an author since 2010, with 18 books to my credit, they're usually surprised when I say no.  

Not to say I will never write again. It's just not in my heart to do at this time. Having said that, I've given it a great deal of thought, and here are some reasons why I haven't written since last year. 

1. Depression and apathy. Actually, everything on the list below might help explain my depression and apathy. Still, generally speaking, it's like anything else in life where you sometimes wonder if your contribution is worth it. I think it's good to stand back and reflect at times. 

2. When I finished all my other books, I was chomping at the bit to start the next one. After finishing Everybody Wants to Rule the World, I had ideas but no motivation. I didn't have a sense of urgency to start the next project. I wasn't inspired.

3. When the entire world seems to be on fire, how can you possibly write fiction that surprises or excites readers? The news and social media are already keeping people's senses on high alert, is it possible for any form of entertainment to compare? 

4. Censorship. Canada and many countries are either bringing in or have already brought in censorship laws, primarily on social media. I don't pretend to be an expert, but I believe it's Bill C-63 that is the latest one coming down the pipe, which is extremely heavy-handed. How does this affect fiction? I write violent books with unflattering views about the Canadian government in my Hernandez series, and I promote it on social media. And let's face it, it's starting to feel like a, 'show me the man, and I'll show you the crime' society at this point. I'm not the only author concerned with the growing censorship in Canada. It's a slippery slope, folks. 

5. One of the most depressing things for an author to hear is the words, "I don't read." And I know it's because some people lack time, others lack interest, and even more lack the ability to concentrate. I used to think movies and television were my competition, but increasingly, it feels like social media is what I'm up against. Why sit with a book when you can watch a two-minute video on TikTok? (if you do, I DO have a channel 😉) It's rare for younger people to read. A parent recently told me she thought it was 'strange' that one of their kids read. Why? Is that strange? I thought this was a sad statement. 

That's the best way I can sum up why I haven't started another book yet. But who knows? I could change my mind tomorrow. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Books I'd recommend 📚

I recently was asked to make some book recommendations. I'm unsure if this person meant my books or general recommendations, so I did both. 

As for my books, I always recommend that people visit my website, check out my book covers, read the synopsis, and even jump on Amazon for a FREE sample. I'm not comfortable recommending my books because reading is a personal experience and it's always hard to predict what people want in a book. 

As for my go-to authors over the years, off the top of my head, VC Andrews, Kristin Hannah, and Lisa Genova. I mention all three ladies in my video (see below) but I forgot to mention another important one, George Orwell. Unfortunately, it's hard to say if that falls under fiction or non-fiction anymore. I love all these authors because they make me think. I love authors that leave me something to ponder, which is also what I hope to do with my own writing. 

Regarding non-fiction and more specifically, books I've read recently, one of my favorites is, A Woman Makes a Plan: Advice for a Lifetime of Adventure, Beauty, and Success by Maye Musk. She's a smart, elegant lady with an honest approach to presenting life advice while sharing her story. Another would be Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules For Life (which I stupidly called 18 Rules For Life in my video below 🤦🏼‍♀️) As with Musk's book, Peterson's advice is practical, sensible, and in this day and age, a great guideline for readers. Like most books, you can take or leave the advice presented to you, but both authors have a lot of wisdom to share.

Of course, as I stated in the video, I've read many great authors over the years, including many independent authors. I love discovering new books and this list is not a complete one. If you want to see some of the books I've read over the years, check out my Goodreads profile and if you friend me, I will add you back. 

What are some books you recommend? Are you an author? Let me know and if you wish, I can share your books on my X account.