Showing posts with label Jordan Peterson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jordan Peterson. Show all posts

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Books I'd recommend 📚

I recently was asked to make some book recommendations. I'm unsure if this person meant my books or general recommendations, so I did both. 

As for my books, I always recommend that people visit my website, check out my book covers, read the synopsis, and even jump on Amazon for a FREE sample. I'm not comfortable recommending my books because reading is a personal experience and it's always hard to predict what people want in a book. 

As for my go-to authors over the years, off the top of my head, VC Andrews, Kristin Hannah, and Lisa Genova. I mention all three ladies in my video (see below) but I forgot to mention another important one, George Orwell. Unfortunately, it's hard to say if that falls under fiction or non-fiction anymore. I love all these authors because they make me think. I love authors that leave me something to ponder, which is also what I hope to do with my own writing. 

Regarding non-fiction and more specifically, books I've read recently, one of my favorites is, A Woman Makes a Plan: Advice for a Lifetime of Adventure, Beauty, and Success by Maye Musk. She's a smart, elegant lady with an honest approach to presenting life advice while sharing her story. Another would be Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules For Life (which I stupidly called 18 Rules For Life in my video below 🤦🏼‍♀️) As with Musk's book, Peterson's advice is practical, sensible, and in this day and age, a great guideline for readers. Like most books, you can take or leave the advice presented to you, but both authors have a lot of wisdom to share.

Of course, as I stated in the video, I've read many great authors over the years, including many independent authors. I love discovering new books and this list is not a complete one. If you want to see some of the books I've read over the years, check out my Goodreads profile and if you friend me, I will add you back. 

What are some books you recommend? Are you an author? Let me know and if you wish, I can share your books on my X account.