Sunday, November 6, 2022

A different kind of crime series

Summing up my Hernandez series has never been easy. It's about criminals, but it's not the kind of criminals that will steal your car. It's about gangsters, but not the kind of gangsters that will take over an area and demand fees from local businesses. It's about a former cartel boss but not the cartel boss currently involved in illegal activities like transporting drugs. The crimes involved in my series are more vigilante justice than anything else. 

The thing is that Jorge Hernandez started in criminal activity and moved on the legal businesses in Canada. How he goes about doing so, however, often isn't so legal. His method of dealing with those who get in his way or cause issues for his family is very much in step with what he would've done in his cartel days. Things can get very bloody. 

Jorge Hernandez is all about control. He controls people and situations and intimidates those who try to go up against him. Hernandez knows this is the key to owning an empire. All the money in the world won't make people do what he wants, but fear is a powerful influence. 

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