Showing posts with label counterculture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label counterculture. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Why it's important for art to hold a mirror up to society 🎭(Updated)

As long as there's been art, there's been artists who hold a mirror up to society. It shows us who we are, who we potentially could be, and gives us ideas about things we perhaps never considered.

This is important because there's a lot of people who won't turn on the news, won't pick up a newspaper, or read about current events online, but they will watch a movie, read a book or listen to music. When artists point out certain aspects of society in their work, it allows the reader or viewer a first-hand perspective into their world. It's perhaps the closest they will ever come to 'walking in their shoes' and seeing what it's like to have these experiences. 

In many of my books, I have situations, points of view, and even passing comments that bring up what I'm seeing in the world around me. I leave it open for the reader to consider. I'm not attempting to convince or change anyone's mind. My books are very much about counterculture and often take things to extremes, but I think that in today's world, this is sometimes what you have to do to stand out and make a point. 

In the end, I believe that it's the art that shakes things up that has a lasting effect. It's the movies, books, and music that captured a segment of our society that will always stand out in my mind because they made points that mattered.