Showing posts with label artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artists. Show all posts

Friday, October 4, 2019

Do you have a side gig? 🤫(Updated)

I often wonder how many hours I work a week. When I consider both my jobs, my writing, not to mention the countless hours of preparing and creating social media (including this video and blog 😂) I probably would be shocked by the total. 😲

Hey, but I don't mind. This is my passion. I can't imagine my life without my artistic side, and writing happens to be it. For others, it's creating music, dancing, painting, or it may not be a creative side at all. Perhaps you are trying to start a side business that takes some time to establish. This is normal. There's no shame in working while you reach for your dreams.

Having said that there's a lot of misconceptions. The 'overnight success' story is usually just that; a story. Most people work long hours, often for many years, before their efforts start to catch on. This is the rule rather than the exception.

I always tell the story of a woman I used to know while living in Vancouver, who thought I was a fool for 'wasting my time' with writing pursuits. She was clear on the fact that since my first book hadn't been a  best-selling success, it naturally meant that I was putting my efforts into the wrong things. She ridiculed me for even continuing with my writing and suggested I drop it. I instead decided to drop our friendship. I felt that writing was probably the safer bet of the two.

Having said this, it requires work. For example, you can't write a book and then sit on your hands for the next 12 months. You always have to be looking ahead, thinking of new ways to find your audience, and staying on social media so fans and followers can learn more about you. You must manage your time very carefully. When are you at your sharpest? What can you fit into your day? There's usually lots to do, so you need to be diligent and plan ahead.

Do you have a side gig? What are your dreams?

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Does everyone have a creative side? 🎨(Updated)

Let's face it. A teenager talking about dreams of becoming a writer, a rock star, or a painter, may not be taken as seriously as someone who talks about college, university, or program that almost assures a job at the end of the line. Most creative professions are practically in the same category as psychics, life coaches, YouTube channels, and anything spiritual as being a little woo-woo. You know, it's interesting, but can you make money with it?

Interestingly, if you're good at any of those things, you probably can make a lot of money once you have a following. People are intrigued by psychics, artists, and spiritual teachers however, most people don't take them seriously, and one of the reasons is that many people pursuing these areas don't either. We all know people who talked of writing a book, joining a band, or studying herbs, only to flake as soon as they realized that it takes much more time and effort than they had assumed. After all, I don't get up at 6 a.m. for the hell of it.

Believe it or not, creative pursuits require a lot of blood, sweat, and tears because overnight success is rare. There's no easy formula. For example, if you want to be a nurse, teachers can help put you on the right path. If you want to be a rock star...not so much.

For that reason,  people are often discouraged from chasing their creative dreams. It just seems like a long shot and unstable. It causes people to bury their creative side, believing that it's silly and useless. However, be reassured it's there. If you were ever a child, 👶 (and I'm guessing, you might have been ☺️) you are creative. When you were five, chances are you weren't talking about the stock market or politics but most likely were ass deep in paints, Lego or toys. There was no structure. Coloring inside the lines? What? That was crazy talk!

Coloring outside the lines as an adult is a whole other story but does it have to be? Maybe it's time to explore that creative side because it's there. I promise. Underneath criticisms you once heard for not being serious enough, not following the rules, and of course, not sitting quietly, your creative side is waiting to come back out.