An interesting aspect of this character is how difficult it is to learn anything about her. She was always a mystery and even as the writer, I was having difficulty pulling anything out of her secret world. As it turns out, she had a lot of surprises that would come out as the series grew. We would eventually learn about some of her vices and vulnerable side.
What I love about Jolene is her strength. Even when she hits some low points, she's a character that always rises above everything and comes back stronger. Jolene is very passionate about what she believes in, and she always does what she perceives as the right thing even though, many times, she chooses to do so in secret rather than share with her tribe. I think that many of us can hide within ourselves and try to avoid sharing our fears and struggles, but in the end, just like Jolene, we discover that there's more support for us than we believed.
Jolene creates a nice balance within the group. Although she certainly makes a lot of mistakes along the way and risks her own life, there's just something about Jolene Silva, a strength that always makes her rise back to the top.