Sunday, September 4, 2022

How do you introduce new characters? 🤝

New characters keep a series fresh, even if their appearance is short-lived. And in the case of the Hernandez series, short-lived could be literal. 

When a new character comes along in my series, I usually assume it's for a short time to play a role in the plot. Occasionally these characters catch on and stick around, but that's if they're somehow connecting with someone else in the series. For example, I introduced a character named Sonny McTea a few books back with no intention of keeping him around. However, I later discovered that he filled a necessary role to balance out a couple of other characters, so I kept him on. 

The actual introduction of the new character should be smooth. Remember that the story is through the protagonist's eyes, so you're meeting that person along with your main character. What is his/her impression? This depends on what matters to that person. If it's Jorge in my Hernandez series, he's sizing up the new character; are they strong? Powerless? Trustworthy? Do they seem nervous? A different protagonist may notice other things, depending on what they value. 

The important thing is that new characters show up when needed. They have a role. When that role is fulfilled, there's no need to keep them any longer. Too many characters confuse readers and writers. Think of it like an episode of your favorite show. Some characters are only on for an episode, while others stick around for the entire season or series. But if they do stick around, there has to be a reason. 

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