Tuesday, November 30, 2021

December 2021 newsletterπŸŽ„

 What did you miss in November? Let's catch up! 

A NEW BOOK IS COMING SOON! This will be the 11th book in the Hernandez series. Each book is standalone so don't feel you have to start from the beginning (but you might want to!)  I will send you a cover image and description as soon as I have it. 

Check out my latest videos/blog posts!

How much symbolism is in my books? 🧐


Why authors need to stop stressing about book reviews and awards πŸ†


What else is new??

I"m now on RUMBLE - come check out my videos. I'm slowly posting everything from YouTube however, it will take some time. 

I also joined TikTok - look me up @mimaonfire - which is the same for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

How much symbolism is in my books? 🧐

I can't speak for other authors, but the symbolism is a big part of my writing process. Jorge Hernandez brings a whole collection of symbols that relate to the world around me. Whether he's stabbing someone in a fit of rage or telling the Canadian prime minister what to do, my protagonist is demonstrating (in a very literal sense) what many of us think the super-powerful do in the real world. 

Jorge Hernandez's approach to life may seem brutal and exaggerated to those who read my books, but this often represents the more subtle ways that someone in his position may affect the average Canadian. For example, Jorge Hernandez may kill someone (literally) in my books. In the real world, it may be the actions that someone powerful takes that cause death. Let's say they created a product that hurt people or made a decision that had a tragic effect on citizens. 

Not to suggest that there aren't powerful people who murder people, but that's a whole other topic for another day.

Getting back to what I was saying, Jorge Hernandez often takes a very literal approach to what the elites may not as boldly demonstrate in the real world. For example, he openly talks about controlling the government. Although we may not doubt that the super-powerful do control the government, chances are you aren't going to get many of them admitting it. Then again, we are following his character around and are aware of his many private conversations where he talks about things we like to believe is just the arrogance of a dramatic character, but don't we kind of think this happens behind closed doors?  

One of the best examples is my latest title, Psychopaths Rule the WorldAlthough it sounds like a powerful title that may be a tad exaggerated, many people might be inclined to agree. The cover for this book has two men shaking hands with blood dripping off them which says it all, wouldn't you agree?

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Why authors need to stop stressing about book reviews and awards πŸ†

If you're a fiction author, you've felt the pressure to have as many book reviews as possible! 

Of course, it doesn't stop there, does it? You're encouraged to have as many as possible, and they must give away enough of the plot to make it sounds mind-blowing without spoiling it for the potential reader. And of course, they must get close to five stars but not five stars because that seems suspicious, but anything under two and you may as well bury your head in the sand and perhaps, your writing career with it.

And book awards! If you won awards, then you've made it, baby! 

Does this sound a tad intimidating? 

This isn't to suggest that I don't enjoy having a great review thrown my way. I also wouldn't snub an award. However, much like the shameful act of not writing enough words a day, I believe this also fits under the same category of unnecessary stress that authors put on themselves. 

Just write a great book. Don't fixate on the other stuff.

The truth is that having a lot of reviews give you a boost on Amazon, but most people will read your book because it captivates their attention and connects with them in some way. They're going to read your book because they checked out a free preview and found it interesting enough to continue. They're going to read your book because they saw you speaking in an interview or a video (see below) and liked what they heard. They're going to read your book cause they loved the cover or because a friend told them about it. They probably won't read your book only based on how many stars you got in a review. 

I'm not an expert. I only know what's encouraged me to buy a book. It's never been because it won an award. I've also never relied on book reviews because savvy marketers offer services to write them. I also know that our tastes vary. A book I love might not be for you and vice versa. 

It's not a race or even a competition. It's about finding your readers.